Sunday, June 20, 2010

a million or so hearts to baba.

baba during his Navy days

my dad is 67 this year.he is very old fashioned.he has no knowledge whatsoever in things concerning technology.he has no facebook or twitter account.he has never touched a mouse all his life or even sit five seconds in front of a laptop.he does however own a business email.and even that,is managed by one of his colleagues at work.i know he's never gonna read this.but somehow,i feel the need to dedicate an entry for my dearest,most beloved father.

he's my SUPER DUPER hero.he never laid a finger on me in my twenty one years of living.i've disappointed him in so many ways,whether seen or unseen.he has never missed taking my report card every year in school even when i get shitty grades.never fail to crack me up with his jokes and his perakian accent.never fail to teach me the things i need to know about life.

i was born when baba was 46 and mum, i wish i was born earlier so that i would have extra days with him and mom.among all my siblings,i get the least days to spend with him and mom since im the youngest.

till this day,baba has never failed to be there for me,whenever i need him.the sacrifices u made for me,priceless.i can never repay u.dont know what i'd do without you.i love you lots baba.happy father's day.


Unknown said...

Awww!! That's soo sweet Nini. Happy Father's day to Baba too.. :-)

Y a T C i E said...

ninit.kemslm kat pakcik hensem tu!

Ilazarinia said...

@kak elee thank you very much kak elee ! =)

@yat baiklah yat.insyaAllah. =)