Saturday, November 19, 2011


yes.i look like a complete idiot.hahahah.

what up ? how's life ? mine's pretty okay.nothing epic.busy as ever.the yoosh.haha.but life has indeed been improving ever since my last post.that has got me jumping like in the photo above.hehe.praises to the Almighty. :)

let's play psychic for a bit here.where do i see myself a year from now ? let's is the 19th of november 2011.a year from now would be 19th of november would be monday.on that particular day,i see myself  waking up,getting ready for work.i see myself smiling as i wake up because i love my would be a month past my convocation ceremony and i would've said goodbye to my college friends by then.i see myself making new memories and new friends while keeping my old memories and the ones i love close by.and a steady relationship perhaps ? hmmm.

this is what i see.i hope to graduate in time and get a job as soon as possible.insyaAllah kalau ada rezeki.but what Allah s.w.t has in store for me is a different story.whatever it is,i know He has set the best path for me to walk on.i hope it'll benefit me in the best ways possible.amin.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Eidul Adha.

Eidul Adha is around the corner ! apparently everyone is not in the mood to celebrate due to Malaysian muslims don't celebrate Eidul Adha as festively as they celebrate Eidul Fitr.i am however very much in the mood.i'll be towing books around the house (blame the upcoming tests) but it won't stop me from joining in the festivities ! i want to eat rendang and lemang.i want to chill, get a little bit of family time going.i want to forgive and ask forgiveness.i want to reflect on the meaning of sacrifice.above all,i REALLY REALLY REALLY want to celebrate Eidul Adha in would be so nice if i was given the chance to go there and celebrate.bestnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.bestnya bestnya bestnya bestnya bestnya.may each and every one of us be blessed by Allah s.w.t to go there.amin.

anyway,Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha fellow friends.have fun ! stay safe ! play with fireworks but keep your fingers intact ! haha.maafkan salah silap saya.saya maafkan salah anda semua (kalau ada tapi rasanya takde kot).at least if i die,i'd die with some closure. :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

hoh !

life has been hectic these past few weeks.been occupied with tests,quizzes,assignments,projects,final year project meetings and being me,i still manage to squeeze in a few extra hours of not so needed sleep.i do care if too much of it makes me as dumb as a tree stump but hey i love sleeping.if i could bake sleep into a cupcake and eat like dozens of it,i would.yeah i know i know.bad habit.need to kick it.trying trying.sheeshhh.sampai bila entah.bosan betul.i even got "kuat membuta" stuck to my name.can any of you share tips on how to kick off this habit ? i would appreciate it very much.every time i sleep too much,my mom would say to me "jangan lah tidur banyak sangat.dalam kubur nanti boleh tidur la puas-puas sampai kiamat".ha amek kau.

today i met Ean of Hitz.FM.i had no idea that he's actually Malay til after this photo was taken.half Chinese to be precise (from the mother's side).cool guy.super friendly.he swung by Upten along with the Hitz.FM Prado Cruisers for Acuvue contact lens promo.i was in a hurry to get to class so i didn't grab any freebies.BUMMER.for the record in every fan photo,Ean would point to his fan as shown below.please don't ask me's his trademark i guess.heheh.

me and Tengku Mohd Ean Nasrun

lately i've been super confused about the date.i kinda forgot that October has 31 days.blame Seisen.they were the entities responsible for teaching me how many days there are in a month.there i was,happily thinking "oh okay 1st November is on Monday..aku ada test on Monday..".i spent the weekend studying my ass off.i even slept super late on Sunday night ! tengok-tengok test hari Selasa.hahaha.hah.that's what too much sleep gives you.constant,ego shattering state of daze and bangang tahap cipan mengawan.

i love the fact that Uniten has a Cool Blog on campus even though the service is as slow as..ughh i can't even find the words to describe how slow it is.but hey at times i feel the need to Cool Blog before class.slurp sluuuurrpppp.okay random gila.hahaha.

what else ? hmmm.okay nak study.jangan kacau.lastik kang.

roooooooger federer and out.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Datin Lam's advice.

attended a wedding dinner yesterday night at the Putrajaya Lake Club with dad.there,we met all his Navy and ex-Navy friends who i haven't seen in ages.usually my sister would be the one to escort my dad to these events if my mom doesn't wanna go.with a baby on tow,my sister doesn't actually have the time for these things anymore.and mom.well mom loves staying at home.i guess travelling isn't exactly your thing anymore when you get kinda wanna take it down a notch.anyway,back to the wedding.i sat beside this aunt whom i've known since i was practically a baby but haven't seen since i was about four.she remembers me as this little girl who was squint (my close friends and family would know the history regarding my eyes) running around Bukit Perwira in diapers (nasib baik Abang Muz tak ingat benda ni.memalukan betul.kalau dia tau mesti dia kutuk.hahaha.).she was surprised to see me all grown up and my eyes well..fixed.hehe.frankly i don't remember how Aunt Lam looks like until last night.cut me some slack okay.the last time i met her i was still sporting poopy can i remember details that far back ? i do recall however, walking all the way to her house which was located on top of a very small hill, in my poopy diapers with a botol susu in my mouth yes, just so i could play barbie dolls she placed at the stairs landing in her house.masa kecik-kecik dulu aku memang kuat merayap.suka jalan-jalan pergi rumah orang,muka tak tau malu.biasalah.again,back to the and Aunt Lam chatted all through the wedding.there was this one thing she said that kinda got to me.her words were..

 "Nini dah ada boyfriend ? Kalau belum ada,takpe.for now kawan je dulu dengan siapa-siapa yang you rasa sesuai.nanti dah habis belajar,at least dah ada calon dan boleh kahwin.masa belajar ni lah nak cari boyfriend.bila dah habis belajar nanti susah sikit nak cari partner because everyone would be,it's so hard to find kind people nowadays.."

garu kepala jugak la aku dengar benda ni.but yeah aunty i'll remember your advice.nice people who are sincerely nice are VERY RARE indeed.can't wait to see who i end up married to.hihihi.

Friday, September 30, 2011

final year project.

and the title of my final year project is...
"Auto Image Detection for Motion Sensing Camera"
i don't know how it sounds like to you.
but to me it sounds pretty okay.
nothing epic like "nini,please build a nuclear explosion machine" or anything like that.
my fyp is closely linked to Naz's fyp.
it sorta works like this..
i'm required to create a coding that will be tested on the hardware that Naz has to implement.
i'm kinda nervous cuz i have to learn this software called MATLAB Simulink from scratch.
but i'm also pretty relieved cuz i get to collaborate with my best friend  (at least if i'm stuck he'd be there to help) doing some major programming (which is something i love although i'm not very good at) and my supervisor rocks (she just plain rocks!)
i dunno when or where to start.
asap and somewhere i guess.
doakan saya berjaya ye ?

blink-182's new album !

i got no one to share it with because apparently i'm the only blink-182 die hard fan in my social i write it here.HAHA.i am super stoked ! it was released about three days ago.this album is one of those albums where i fell in love at first listen.altogether there are fourteen tracks off the album (the deluxe edition).i must say compared to their last album,blink-182 adopted a more mature style of music.the songs are heavier,with a subtle hint of heavy rock added to the old flavor.this time they sing less about love and more about life and having fun.even though their music style has changed a bit,they haven't left their familiar signature sounds favorite tracks form the album would be Ghost on the Dance Floor,Kaleidoscope,Wishing Well,Up All Night,Natives,Even if She Falls,Love is Dangerous and Heart's All Gone.pictured above is the album cover.oh and the album is called Neighborhoods.this album reminds me of the things that i love most about Blink 182.the guitar riffs,the bass,the drums,Mark and Tom's voice.I LOVE THIS ALBUM !!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


i am no longer inspired to write about things in my blog.countless times i clicked the new post tab hoping to write something worthwhile but always ending up sitting and staring blankly at my laptop screen waiting for my brain juices to start flowing.i must say i am probably suffering from a severe case of mental block.or maybe i am currently walking down the less adventurous (the other word for it is uninteresting OR boohoo boring) path in my life.either way,my days are filled with classes obviously and my nights and weekends with nothing except me attending open houses (considering Syawal isn't exactly over),watching tv or being cooped up in my room reading a novel,fiddling my laptop (facebook twitter how i met your mother the yoosh).sounds pretty dull huh ? well i still haven't got a title for my final year i am very very very very very very much free.once i get my title,full steam ahead i unadventurous life may be for me now,i kinda appreciate all the free time i have for does get kinda lonely at times but hey it means more time for me me me only me and for me to ponder and reflect on things especially myself.dulu asyik fikir pasal orang je.sekarang Allah bagi banyak masa untuk fikir pasal diri i don't see a reason to complain.i hope all this free time doesn't turn me into a weirdo know there's something wrong when i start walking backwards or start talking to's waaaaayy past my bed time.class is at 2pm tomorrow so i don't worry much. :))

Monday, September 19, 2011

funny things people do.

it's funny how you brag about her not caring about your past,
but you care so much about mine and judge me from it,
saying i can never change and i'm still the same person i was before.
so fukken hilarious.
if it weren't for that promise i made to my best friend,
i would give you a piece of my mind.
to that best friend,
thanks for keeping me well behaved.
i love you to bits.
i am surrounded by a huge pile of positive,rockin friends.

Monday, September 5, 2011

fake island.

marina island is a man made island.
made by
it has been my home for the past few months.
i would go there at least once a week.
at one point i seriously considered bringing a camp bed for the purpose of squatting there.
selalu sangat pergi.
here are a few syok sendiri moments i've had with my friends while hanging out at marina island.
biasala pompuan. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

two thousand and eleven Raya II.

for the first time ever in my life,
i get to spend hari raya with my half brother and his family who flew all the way from Bahrain
and my half sister who came to visit with her fiance.
i used to be uncertain about how i would treat them and be treated by them.
like strangers or like family ?
today i found the answer.
even though we seldom meet,
things didn't feel awkward at all.
memang macam keluarga.

 10 year old Farhana ; my bro's daughter.

8 year old Firzan ; my bro's son.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

two thousand and eleven Raya.

raya last year,this year or any other year was,is and will always be pretty much the same to me.
nothing new.
but still,
i enjoy celebrating it.
our family goes through the usual routine every single year.
that hectic first day of raya.
family and friends came to visit.
bonds were strengthened.
i ate a lot.
like seriously, A LOT.
and all that other stuff.
ya know,the usual.
click photos to enlarge.

sister and best friend !

kumpulan nasyid A9 Fasa 1D1

 buah hati.

 mulut syamil penuh makanan.

 for girls,camwhoring is a necessity.

 7 year old sofiyyah ; how time flies.

wina and kamilia tgh makan.syamil merajuk.syawqi muka bosan.sofiyyah & syukri gaduh berebut tempat duduk.sakinah meleraikan pergaduhan.mummy pening kepala. ; candid.HAHAH.

 TADA ! ; the result after all the havoc.

3 year old wina ; the middle.

 abang polis and co.

mummy & baba after 39 years of marriage, Alhamdulillah.

 2nd sister's children.

 kung fu ; aktiviti mereka setelah ber"maaf zahir batin" sesama mereka.back to more fights.

 my two sayangs.

a failed attempt to console this boy led to this photo ; 6 year old syamil yang SANGAT kuat merajuk.HAHAHAHA.

 proud grandparents to the latest addition to the Razali family, 17 day old Ranea

 kak Nisa !

Rayyan is such a doll ! he's Kak Nisa's nephew.and the one holding him is my brother in law.

 post kung fu activity.

this is Hasif, another one of Kak Nisa's nephew.doll too !

ini bukan lakonan ye kawan-kawan.i spent the night playing chef. :))

benda lain aku tak pandang.aku pandang kambing je.KAMBING.

 my childhood/best friend since i was 7.we've been friends for fifteen long years !

 jemput makan.

Monday, August 29, 2011

answered prayers.

Muslims are very blessed.
if there is anything troubling their minds,
hanya perlu angkat tangan dan doa kepada Allah s.w.t.
insyaAllah,He will answer those doa.
it's only a matter of time.
with everything happening around me right now,
i kind of wonder..
is Allah answering some of my prayers ?
nampak macam jauh.
tapi sebenarnya taklah jauh sangat.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

si comel dari sarawak.

buah hati saya.haven't seen him for so long.rriiiiiinnndduuuuuuuuu sangat. :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sushi King !

another MAJOR improvement to my humble hometown. 
sushi king !
lepas ni lebih bersemangat untuk balik rumah 
boleh makan sushi sedap.
praying to be next in line : Subway,Dominos
yummy !

Ranea :)

dulu saya ada 9 buah hati.
as of 14th august 2010,
 saya ada sepuluh buah hati.
Ranea is the tenth.
i pray so that all my buah hati 
grow up to be successful,religious people who are close to Allah SWT and their families
dan disenangi semua orang.

hello ! my name is Ranea.nice to meet you. :D

saya kuat tidur macam mummy saya.hehe.
getting all cozy in tok wan's arms.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

my shoes.not yours.

apa anda akan buat jika
seorang rakan mengajak anda membuat dosa ?
"hey man here are some heroine.go on eat'll make u feel like ur in one has to know"
inside your brain,
you'll be all like
alamak kalau aku buat ni BESAR dosa dia. 
so you politely decline.
but then,
that friend of yours is a person who gets this thing call dosa/pahala.
but chooses to ignore it.
so when you decline,
this friend takes it personally.
dia memang terasa gila.
he won't even reply your texts or talk to you.
so what would you do now ?
still fikir dosa/pahala or follow your friend ?
that's out of the question really.
any person who cares about sin and what not
would always fikir pasal dosa/pahala dalam apa-apa yang dia buat.
so what should we do when it comes to situations with friends like this ?
pening kepala woi.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

what i wear to work.

di tempat kerja,saya memakai baju teletubbies.

the white thing on my head is a face mask.bukan  helmet kontot ye kawan-kawan.

Bousted Naval Shipyard ; on my way to board KD Laksamana Tun Abdul Jamil.

If You Ever Come Back by The Script

If your standing with your suitcase
But you cant step on the train
Everything the way that you left it I still haven’t slept yet
And if your covering your face now
But you just cant hide the pain
Still setting two plates on the counter but eating without cha
If the truth is your a liar, then just say that your ok
I’m sleepin’ on your side of the bed goin’ out of my head now
And if your out there tryin move on
But something pulls you back again
I’m sitting here tryin persuade you like your in the same room
And I wish you could give me the cold shoulder
And I wish you could still give me a hard time
And I wish I could still wish it was over
But even if wishing is a waste of time
even if I never cross your mind
I’ll leave the door is on the latch
If you ever come back, if you ever come back
They’ll be a light in the hall and the key under the mat
If you ever come back
They’ll be a smile on my face and the kettle on
And it will be just like you were never gone
They’ll be a light in the hall and the key under the mat
If you ever come back if you ever come back now
Oh if you ever come back if you ever come back now
Now they say Im wastin my time
Cause your never comin home
But they used to say the world was flat but how wrong was that now
And by leavin my door open I’m milkin everythin I own
Somethin I can lose in the breakin that you haven’t taken
And I wish you could give me the cold shoulder
And I wish you can still give me a hard time
And I wish I could still wish it was over
But even if wishing is a waste of time
Even if I never cross your mind
I’ll leave the door on the latch if you ever come back
If you ever come back
They’ll be a light in the hall and the key under the mat
If you ever come back
They’ll be a smile on my face and the kettle on
And it will be just like you were never gone
They’ll be a light in the hall and the key under the mat
If you ever come back, if you ever come back now
If you ever come back if you ever come back now
If it’s the fighting you remember or the little things you miss
I know your out there somewhere so just remember this
If it’s the fighting you remember or the little things you miss
Oh just remember this, oh just remember this
Ill leave the door on the latch
If you ever come back if you ever come back
They’ll be a light in the hall and the key under the mat
If you ever come back anekatips
They’ll be a smile on my face and the kettle on
And it will be just like you were never gone
They’ll be a light in the hall and the key under the mat
If you ever come back if you ever come back now
If you ever come back if you ever come back now
And it will be just like you were never gone
If you ever come back if you ever come back now

why ?

some of you may wonder why i don't upload pictures or say much (comments excluded) on facebook.
instead i upload and post them here.
the reason for me not doing so ? simple.
i don't wanna information overload anyone.
ya know.
just in case my posts become an eyesore to people.
so if you wanna see em,come here.
if you don't,then scram.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

storage room.

electrical storage room.
located underneath the Control and Automation workshop in MTU.
the place where thermocouples,sensors,transmitters,gauges,junction boxes,cables and so many other things are kept.
a room that contains so many sweet memories.
there was one time i was assigned to wire KD Laksamana Muhammad Amin's junction box.
aku angkut junction box yang berat dan besar gedabak tu dari workshop
dan turun kat sini
only 'cause i wanted some peace.
then Abg Lan came in and fixed this really ancient jukebox
 so that i could listen to it and wouldn't feel so bored.
Abg Lan, always so kind to me.
on my last day of internship,
i sat in here with Abg Lan and Abg Muz all day long
taping junction boxes for KD Laksamana Tun Abdul Jamil.
i was feeling really sad cuz it was my last day
but they didn't let me.
we talked and laughed and talked and laughed.
it felt like forever.
rak-rak tu la yang aku duk panjat-panjat cari gauge dan benda-benda lain.
sorting out cables.
cari spare part baru.
lepak-lepak baca surat khabar.
intai celah tingkap tengok Abg Lan duk pekena Encik Mokhtar dengan bukak tutup pressure pipe pastu gelak-gelak sembunyi balik dinding sebab takut kantoi dengan Encik Mokhtar.
dan yang paling penting,
i would repeat the three months i was in MTU if i could.


14th august 2011.
a truly eventful day for my whole family.
here's a summary of what happened.
malas aku nak cerita panjang-panjang.
morning : Kak Nina was carted off into the labor room to standby for delivery.
noon : we got the call saying Pak Long passed whole family went to Penang except me and mum.we stayed to wait for Kak Nina.
5.37pm : baby Ranea was born ! what upset me the most was the fact that Kak Nina was alone during labor (no one is allowed inside the labor room except the husband.not even the patient's mother.yes that's what you get with government hospitals.).that and the fact that the doctor or nurses didn't inform me the baby was already born.aku yang kt luar ni tunggu sampai kematu bontot macam orang bodoh.i didn't know till later that night.went to visit Kak Nina after maghrib tengok-tengok perut dia dah kempis. =.="
by the end of this day,i was emotionally drained.
sad for Pak Long.
like i said in my previous previous post,the day of my birthday was the last time i saw him.lepas ni takkan jumpa dah sampai bila-bila.ya Allah. :'(
happy for Ranea.
mainly because i am going to live with her and i get to gomol her everyday and she was born a day after my birthday so for the rest of our lives we get to share a cake together ! saya nak curik sume cake dia ! :D
Allah SWT bagi banyak dugaan pada hari ni.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


13th August 2011.
the day i turned twenty two (arrgghh I AM OLD!).
i expected nothing from anyone.
but i got more than i bargained for.
THANK YOU for all the birthday wishes.
i can't express how much i appreciate it !
so what did i do on my birthday ?
at around 11am,i traveled to Penang.
why ?
to visit Pak Long.
the last time i saw Pak Long i can't remember when exactly,
but it was last year.
that was when he was first diagnosed with intestine cancer
and had just undergone surgery to remove the cancerous part of his intestines.
all the while,
 i've known my uncle (mummy's elder brother) as this healthy,joyful person.
always crackin jokes and telling stories,
at times he would put on this serious manner 
and we'd all be like "okay takut.hehe."
but yeah he's my uncle yang agak rapat.
even though i seldom meet him,i love him all the same.
when i arrived and laid my eyes on him,
i felt like i was meeting a stranger.
there was Pak Long.
but physically he just wasn't Pak Long.
kurus sangat.
he couldn't do anything except lie down.
he couldn't eat or speak.
all he could do was moan.
in my head,he's always this healthy and strong man.
so it broke my heart seeing him.
my heart ached so bad.
hancur gila hati tengok Pak Long.
cancer took his physique away.
we stayed at Pak Long's house for a few hours.
there,i got to meet all my relatives from mummy's Kelantan side.
the ones that i've met and never met before.
when it was time to go home,
i kissed Pak Long's forehead,shook his hands and told him Pak Long Nini nak balik dah ni.
i knew he could hear me.
i knew he wouldn't reply.
i just wanted him to know i was there.
who knew that was the last time i would get to see and hold him ?
all in all i can say that it was my worst birthday so far.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

That's When I Love You by Aslyn

to my future husband who i hope will love me no matter what.

When u have to look away
When u don't have much to say
That's when I love u
I love u just that way

To hear u stumble when u speak
Or see u walk with two left feet
That's when I love you
I love u endlessly

And when your mad cause u lost the game
Forget I'm waiting in the rain
Baby I love u
I love u anyway

Cause here's my promise made tonight
U can count on me 4 life
Cause that's when I love u
When nothing u do can change my mind
The more I learn the more I love
The more my heart can't get enough
That's when I love u
When I love u
No matter what

So when u turn to hide your eyes
Cause the movie it made u cry
That's when I love u
I love u

A little more each time
And when u can't quite match you clothes
Or when u laugh at your own jokes
that's when I love u I love u
More then u know

And when u forgot that we had a date
Or that look that u give when u show up late
Baby I love u ,I love u anyway
So here's my promise made tonight
U can count on me 4 life
Cause that's when I love u
When nothing u do can change my moind
The more I learn the more I love

The more my heart can't get enough
That's when I love u
When I love u
No matter what

Ohh that's when I love u when nothing baby, nothing u do could change my mind
The more I learn, the more I love, the more my heart can't get enough
That's when I love u , when I love u no matter what
Ohhhh no matter what

Sunday, August 7, 2011


when our eyes met for a second back there,
i thought things were back to the way it was.
oh how i miss that sweet smile.
oh how i miss all the beautiful memories we shared.
oh how i miss our late night conversations.
oh how i miss everything about you.
oh how i miss everything about us.
your favorite perfume.
your favorite song.
in the car when you play your favorite cd,
and we hum along.
i'd do anything just to hear you say i love you.
come hell or high water,
there will always be a place for you 
tucked neatly inside my heart.
all this while,
i kinda forgot that those feelings exist.
that was until
our eyes met for a second back there.

p.s : our paths aren't meant to cross now.who knows it might cross in the future ? we never heart still beats the same way it does every time i see you.never stopped loving's your attitude i stopped falling in love with.sorry tak tegur tadi.sangat segan.huhuh. >.<

Friday, August 5, 2011

things i kill.

currently killing time at Restaurant Jejantas Sungai Buloh.
on my way to KL to spend the weekend with my brother and currently pregnant sister.
thank God for the invention of USB broadband.
at least i'm occupied for the next two hours.
lately my patience and iman have been tested a lot.
iman dalam hati ni takdelah banyak mana.
Allah uji pula lagi.
i don't know how much longer i can hold on.
may Allah protect me.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ramadhan stereotype thinking.

oh so only during the fasting month you stop doing bad stuff ?
come on man.
that's where you're wrong.
you're not supposed to do bad stuff all year long
no matter what month it is.
different people have different views.
you don't have to go all Einstein on everything.
you don't have to be so up front about everything.
learn to respect other people's feelings.
or learn to convey your messages by picking the right words instead of acting like a total know it all.
if you can't do either,
learn to shut up.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Kids From Yesterday by My Chemical Romance

Well now this could be the last of all the rides we take
So hold on tight and don't look back
We don't care about the message or the rules they make
I'll find you when the sun goes black

And you only live forever in the lights you make
When we were young we used to say
That you only hear the music when your heart begins to break
Now we are the kids from yesterday

All the cameras watch the accidents and stars you hate
They only care if you can bleed
Does the television make you feel the pills you ate?
Or every person that you need to be

Cause you only live forever in the lights you make
When we were young we used to say
That you only hear the music when your heart begins to break
Now we are the kids from yesterday

Today, today
We are the kids from yesterday
Today, today

Here we are and we won't stop breathing
Yell it out 'til your heart stops beating

We are the kids from yesterday

Cause you only live forever in the lights you make
When we were young we used to say
That you only hear the music when your heart begins to break
Now we are the kids from yesterday
We are the kids from yesterday
We are the kids from yesterday
We are the kids from yesterday
Today, today

dosa pahala.

setengah orang tak paham maksud dosa pahala.
sometimes it's not that they don't understand.
they understand but choose to push it aside.
it's hard to deal with these kind of people.
especially when you have different views on what dosa and pahala is
and whether you choose to live your life based on it or not.
i'm kind of disappointed because it seems that me and this particular person have totally different views on this matter.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

not for everyone.

dalam hidup ni bukan semua orang suka kita.
i have to accept that fact with an open heart and mind.
and use the negative comments as a motivation to change into a better person.
no use moping around or even retaliating.
so i need stop being sad and be awesome instead !
as the saying goes,
what doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

Captain America.

after waiting for so long i finally got to watch Captain America !
if you are a fan of the Marvel superheroes say,
Thor,Spiderman,Ironman,X-men etc.
then don't forget to watch this movie !
Marvel movies never disappoint me.
except Spiderman.
i guess i got issues with Tobey McGuire.
he's a bit too soft for me.
Captain America just rocks.
loved watching him throw his vibranium shield around like a boomerang.
uber cool.
it however has kind of a typical story line.
but still it does not disappoint.
but it was sad when Bucky died.

b the dub,the picture above is Red Skull a.k.a Captain America's enemy.
you know how American story lines often portray every other nationality (except Americans) as the bad guys ?
the victim this time is Germans.
this dude here is a German Nazi (apparently).
his face so kesian.
i dunno whether to hate him or pity him.
jahat sangat sampai hidung pun tercabut.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

shots two.

more pics from my Umrah trip.

Mummy walking the sidewalks of the Quba' Mosque 

 Quran Factory ; this is King Abdullah

 Jabal Nur ; Tsur cave in which Rasulullah and Saidina Abu Bakar hid when Rasulullah was about to be attacked by the Quraisy, is located here

 my Superdaddy

 Encik Unta ! :D and yes i'm scared of camels

the Muzium of the Two Mosques ; Zam Zam well taken from Masjidil Haram

 my Supermommy

 Zam Zam Tower ; kinda looks like Big Ben doesn't it ?

 the greatest view i have ever feasted my eyes to

 a Muslim country and yet Hilton managed to build a hotel right in the compounds of Masjidil Haram

Raffles Creamery ; the eleventh floor of Zam Zam tower, getting all cozy

 Nabawi Mosque ; see that bundle ? that's actually a woman sleeping.dia tidur tak hengat dunia.sepuluh orang kejut pun dia taknak bangun sampai la ada orang simbah air kt muka dia

male employers ONLY ; even at girly girl shops