Wednesday, August 17, 2011

storage room.

electrical storage room.
located underneath the Control and Automation workshop in MTU.
the place where thermocouples,sensors,transmitters,gauges,junction boxes,cables and so many other things are kept.
a room that contains so many sweet memories.
there was one time i was assigned to wire KD Laksamana Muhammad Amin's junction box.
aku angkut junction box yang berat dan besar gedabak tu dari workshop
dan turun kat sini
only 'cause i wanted some peace.
then Abg Lan came in and fixed this really ancient jukebox
 so that i could listen to it and wouldn't feel so bored.
Abg Lan, always so kind to me.
on my last day of internship,
i sat in here with Abg Lan and Abg Muz all day long
taping junction boxes for KD Laksamana Tun Abdul Jamil.
i was feeling really sad cuz it was my last day
but they didn't let me.
we talked and laughed and talked and laughed.
it felt like forever.
rak-rak tu la yang aku duk panjat-panjat cari gauge dan benda-benda lain.
sorting out cables.
cari spare part baru.
lepak-lepak baca surat khabar.
intai celah tingkap tengok Abg Lan duk pekena Encik Mokhtar dengan bukak tutup pressure pipe pastu gelak-gelak sembunyi balik dinding sebab takut kantoi dengan Encik Mokhtar.
dan yang paling penting,
i would repeat the three months i was in MTU if i could.

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