Friday, September 2, 2011

two thousand and eleven Raya II.

for the first time ever in my life,
i get to spend hari raya with my half brother and his family who flew all the way from Bahrain
and my half sister who came to visit with her fiance.
i used to be uncertain about how i would treat them and be treated by them.
like strangers or like family ?
today i found the answer.
even though we seldom meet,
things didn't feel awkward at all.
memang macam keluarga.

 10 year old Farhana ; my bro's daughter.

8 year old Firzan ; my bro's son.


jejakjejakperantau said...

apesal plak half brother?... bukan ke same father is consider brother?

Ilazarinia said...

brother eh kak ayu ? :0