Sunday, August 7, 2011


when our eyes met for a second back there,
i thought things were back to the way it was.
oh how i miss that sweet smile.
oh how i miss all the beautiful memories we shared.
oh how i miss our late night conversations.
oh how i miss everything about you.
oh how i miss everything about us.
your favorite perfume.
your favorite song.
in the car when you play your favorite cd,
and we hum along.
i'd do anything just to hear you say i love you.
come hell or high water,
there will always be a place for you 
tucked neatly inside my heart.
all this while,
i kinda forgot that those feelings exist.
that was until
our eyes met for a second back there.

p.s : our paths aren't meant to cross now.who knows it might cross in the future ? we never heart still beats the same way it does every time i see you.never stopped loving's your attitude i stopped falling in love with.sorry tak tegur tadi.sangat segan.huhuh. >.<

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