Friday, August 20, 2010


1. i have so much work to do.

2. how come i haven't started on anything ?

3. things i learned this week :
  • facebook is the worst human creation.gets u addicted.
  • maggi on the other hand is the best.tastes good.but fiddles with ur brain.still good.
  • if u wanna tell someone something,get into the details.if not,don't mention it at all.i have this GIGANTIC problem with people who do this to me.bila dah meletup and kena marah,baru sibuk nak bagitau.what for ?
  • jealousy is not something you fool around with especially when you're trying to patch things up with advice ? stop doing it to your hurts your partner and turns your partner into the incredible should know your partner well.
  • when someone asks something serious,answer seriously.NEVER give stupid slash cynical answers.and explain things before its too late.
  • keeping things to yourself is unhealthy especially when you explode at the end of the day.but what if you get a partner who never listens,never consider your thoughts,never takes you seriously and plays around with your feelings ?
4. my body is tiny.but im filled with white hot rage.

5. i need to get a life seriously.

6. i like this gerard rocks. "Be yourself. Don't take anyone's shit.And never let them take you alive" \m/ \m/ \m/

roger and out.heading out to attend Taklimat Pilihanraya MPP.

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