Friday, April 30, 2010

to whom it may concern.

"Allah s.w.t sangat sayangkan orang-orang yg baik.
Orang-orang yang baik akan sentiasa diuji oleh Allah s.w.t.."

have u ever heard this saying before?
im no angel.
so im not really in a position to talk.
but in my opinion,
this saying applies to u.
ur one person i know
that has gone through lots of pain.
too much in fact.
more than all my friends put together.
words are the only help i can offer u
and it does so little to cure ur heart.
no one can comfort u except urself.
but put it this way,
at the end of the day
Allah s.w.t is going to reward u
with something that u REALLY deserve.
so just wait patiently.
it'll be worth it.
trust me.
in case u haven't noticed,
ur friends are here for u.
not just me.
but a bunch of others.

p.s : thank u haryati ain for the beautiful blogger award!i love u tooooooooooo much to begin with! =D


Y a T C i E said...

pompuan.bubuh la award tu kat blog ekauuuuu!

Ilazarinia said... yg aku follow sikit sgt.x cukup lak nak bagi kat sepuluh orang! =))

raindrops_on_my_head said...

nini.. sile la bog google friend connect.. senang aku nk keep updated with ur blog! :P

Ilazarinia said...

bog google friend connect tu apa?!wuwuwuwuwuuwuw.hehe.sorry for the keenah ke mira ye? T.T