Wednesday, April 13, 2011

things that annoy the hell outta me.

facebook and twitter; bullshit.
i've got so many things to say about those two things.
regarding information overload especially.
people don't know how to be subtle anymore these days.
semua benda nak bagitau.
sampai tangan bekurap kena sebab allergic pun nak tangkap gambar
dan post kat facebook.
u know when people state a fact.
and u get all nasty by pulling this super retarded face and answering "so?"
seriously learn some manners.
that's just plain rude.
i really hate it when people do that.
imbecile drivers who have the guts to raise middle fingers whenever honked at
never the energy to use the signal.
signal bukan hiasan.
married womanizers.
so tell me.
inside your body,the slot where the heart's supposed to be,
has it been replaced with a giant rock ?
tak kesian bini ke ?
dah kahwin tu sudah-sudahlah.
this annoys me the MOST.
build bigger roads !
ride bicycles !
build floating cars already !
tension tau tak bila jam !?
boleh jadi gila kalau hari-hari macam ni !!

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