Sunday, April 3, 2011

E.T review

even though she looks like a maniac,she's still my girlfriend.

Katy my lady.
you let me down this time.
the video for E.T is Gaga-ish in SO many ways.
it gave me the exact same creeps when i watched Born This Way's video.
why jeopardize a good song by making a Gaga like video to match ?
 E.T is one of my favorite tracks off Teenage Dream.
i was hoping for something bubbly,sexy,cute and fun like California Girls.
i'm disappointed.
it doesn't help that you remade E.T with one of my most hated rappers.
meremang bulu roma aku tengok video tu kau tau tak ?
hangin betul la.
buat rugi duit je buat video clip macam tu.
the makeup is scary.
the woman singing at the beginning is scary.
her outfit is scary.
the guy in the video is anemic and anorexic. 
and she has deer legs for heaven's sake !
the video is altogether SCARY.
how am i gonna sleep tonight ?


p.s : i must agree however with Katy Perry's choice of shades in E.T.i shall get one of those.see the shades here in the video.

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