Monday, July 5, 2010

junior year !

today my junior year officially starts.feels like it was only yesterday i went through my foundy orientation getting older and none the wiser ! surprise.surprise.third year two years i'll come out a university not ready to start my career life just yet.dont think i'll ever be ready.i want to study forever !

the day went by like every other first days in my previous semesters.i got up.bluetoothed my timetable into my phone.took a bath.sashayed full of style and 15minutes late into my first class which was Random.yes people.i am a very good far my lecturers have exceeded my expectations.praying hard for everything to go well !

for the record,i'm officially a dancer for JARI Studio.signed a contract doesn't say im bonded for how long.but i have made my soon as i graduate,i'll be taking a permanent break from that's in two years time.need to concentrate on bigger and better stuff.

roger and out.need to do a few cleaning my thrashed room for instance.

note : my ex boyfriend told me blogs are for people who have no one to talk to.gemuk la.hahahahah.but in a way i guess that kinda applies to offense guys.i guess he was referring to me. =))

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