attended a wedding dinner yesterday night at the Putrajaya Lake Club with dad.there,we met all his Navy and ex-Navy friends who i haven't seen in ages.usually my sister would be the one to escort my dad to these events if my mom doesn't wanna go.with a baby on tow,my sister doesn't actually have the time for these things anymore.and mom.well mom loves staying at home.i guess travelling isn't exactly your thing anymore when you get kinda wanna take it down a notch.anyway,back to the wedding.i sat beside this aunt whom i've known since i was practically a baby but haven't seen since i was about four.she remembers me as this little girl who was squint (my close friends and family would know the history regarding my eyes) running around Bukit Perwira in diapers (nasib baik Abang Muz tak ingat benda ni.memalukan betul.kalau dia tau mesti dia kutuk.hahaha.).she was surprised to see me all grown up and my eyes well..fixed.hehe.frankly i don't remember how Aunt Lam looks like until last night.cut me some slack okay.the last time i met her i was still sporting poopy can i remember details that far back ? i do recall however, walking all the way to her house which was located on top of a very small hill, in my poopy diapers with a botol susu in my mouth yes, just so i could play barbie dolls she placed at the stairs landing in her house.masa kecik-kecik dulu aku memang kuat merayap.suka jalan-jalan pergi rumah orang,muka tak tau malu.biasalah.again,back to the and Aunt Lam chatted all through the wedding.there was this one thing she said that kinda got to me.her words were..
"Nini dah ada boyfriend ? Kalau belum ada,takpe.for now kawan je dulu dengan siapa-siapa yang you rasa sesuai.nanti dah habis belajar,at least dah ada calon dan boleh kahwin.masa belajar ni lah nak cari boyfriend.bila dah habis belajar nanti susah sikit nak cari partner because everyone would be,it's so hard to find kind people nowadays.."
garu kepala jugak la aku dengar benda ni.but yeah aunty i'll remember your advice.nice people who are sincerely nice are VERY RARE indeed.can't wait to see who i end up married to.hihihi.
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