Monday, October 31, 2011

hoh !

life has been hectic these past few weeks.been occupied with tests,quizzes,assignments,projects,final year project meetings and being me,i still manage to squeeze in a few extra hours of not so needed sleep.i do care if too much of it makes me as dumb as a tree stump but hey i love sleeping.if i could bake sleep into a cupcake and eat like dozens of it,i would.yeah i know i know.bad habit.need to kick it.trying trying.sheeshhh.sampai bila entah.bosan betul.i even got "kuat membuta" stuck to my name.can any of you share tips on how to kick off this habit ? i would appreciate it very much.every time i sleep too much,my mom would say to me "jangan lah tidur banyak sangat.dalam kubur nanti boleh tidur la puas-puas sampai kiamat".ha amek kau.

today i met Ean of Hitz.FM.i had no idea that he's actually Malay til after this photo was taken.half Chinese to be precise (from the mother's side).cool guy.super friendly.he swung by Upten along with the Hitz.FM Prado Cruisers for Acuvue contact lens promo.i was in a hurry to get to class so i didn't grab any freebies.BUMMER.for the record in every fan photo,Ean would point to his fan as shown below.please don't ask me's his trademark i guess.heheh.

me and Tengku Mohd Ean Nasrun

lately i've been super confused about the date.i kinda forgot that October has 31 days.blame Seisen.they were the entities responsible for teaching me how many days there are in a month.there i was,happily thinking "oh okay 1st November is on Monday..aku ada test on Monday..".i spent the weekend studying my ass off.i even slept super late on Sunday night ! tengok-tengok test hari Selasa.hahaha.hah.that's what too much sleep gives you.constant,ego shattering state of daze and bangang tahap cipan mengawan.

i love the fact that Uniten has a Cool Blog on campus even though the service is as slow as..ughh i can't even find the words to describe how slow it is.but hey at times i feel the need to Cool Blog before class.slurp sluuuurrpppp.okay random gila.hahaha.

what else ? hmmm.okay nak study.jangan kacau.lastik kang.

roooooooger federer and out.


contactlensesexpress said...
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Mira Syamimi Mazlan said...

i got a lot of things to tell u.sangat2 banyak.even now im started to cry already.if u're at sitiawan this raya haji,roger me k.lots of things to catch up wif u.mggu neh ade byk gile test.doakan. =(

Ilazarinia said...

miraaaa !! nape ni ? huhuh.i hope ur doin fine.sit tight okay ? calm down.aku balik raya haji on mon blk uniten balik.sempat x jumpa ? harap2 sempat. >.< insyaAllah aku doakan ko.buat elok2 test. :)