and the title of my final year project is...
"Auto Image Detection for Motion Sensing Camera"
i don't know how it sounds like to you.
but to me it sounds pretty okay.
nothing epic like "nini,please build a nuclear explosion machine" or anything like that.
my fyp is closely linked to Naz's fyp.
it sorta works like this..
i'm required to create a coding that will be tested on the hardware that Naz has to implement.
i'm kinda nervous cuz i have to learn this software called MATLAB Simulink from scratch.
but i'm also pretty relieved cuz i get to collaborate with my best friend (at least if i'm stuck he'd be there to help) doing some major programming (which is something i love although i'm not very good at) and my supervisor rocks (she just plain rocks!)
i dunno when or where to start.
asap and somewhere i guess.
doakan saya berjaya ye ?
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