i got no one to share it with because apparently i'm the only blink-182 die hard fan in my social circle.so i write it here.HAHA.i am super stoked ! it was released about three days ago.this album is one of those albums where i fell in love at first listen.altogether there are fourteen tracks off the album (the deluxe edition).i must say compared to their last album,blink-182 adopted a more mature style of music.the songs are heavier,with a subtle hint of heavy rock added to the old flavor.this time they sing less about love and more about life and having fun.even though their music style has changed a bit,they haven't left their familiar signature sounds behind.my favorite tracks form the album would be Ghost on the Dance Floor,Kaleidoscope,Wishing Well,Up All Night,Natives,Even if She Falls,Love is Dangerous and Heart's All Gone.pictured above is the album cover.oh and the album is called Neighborhoods.this album reminds me of the things that i love most about Blink 182.the guitar riffs,the bass,the drums,Mark and Tom's voice.I LOVE THIS ALBUM !!
i downloaded the full album! tak beli. takde duit. jgn marah ye kipas susah mati blink182. :P
hehehe.yipee !! aku ada geng ! nnt boleh kita bersmaa mendendangkan lagu ni di majlis2 rasmi. :))
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