Wednesday, August 31, 2011

two thousand and eleven Raya.

raya last year,this year or any other year was,is and will always be pretty much the same to me.
nothing new.
but still,
i enjoy celebrating it.
our family goes through the usual routine every single year.
that hectic first day of raya.
family and friends came to visit.
bonds were strengthened.
i ate a lot.
like seriously, A LOT.
and all that other stuff.
ya know,the usual.
click photos to enlarge.

sister and best friend !

kumpulan nasyid A9 Fasa 1D1

 buah hati.

 mulut syamil penuh makanan.

 for girls,camwhoring is a necessity.

 7 year old sofiyyah ; how time flies.

wina and kamilia tgh makan.syamil merajuk.syawqi muka bosan.sofiyyah & syukri gaduh berebut tempat duduk.sakinah meleraikan pergaduhan.mummy pening kepala. ; candid.HAHAH.

 TADA ! ; the result after all the havoc.

3 year old wina ; the middle.

 abang polis and co.

mummy & baba after 39 years of marriage, Alhamdulillah.

 2nd sister's children.

 kung fu ; aktiviti mereka setelah ber"maaf zahir batin" sesama mereka.back to more fights.

 my two sayangs.

a failed attempt to console this boy led to this photo ; 6 year old syamil yang SANGAT kuat merajuk.HAHAHAHA.

 proud grandparents to the latest addition to the Razali family, 17 day old Ranea

 kak Nisa !

Rayyan is such a doll ! he's Kak Nisa's nephew.and the one holding him is my brother in law.

 post kung fu activity.

this is Hasif, another one of Kak Nisa's nephew.doll too !

ini bukan lakonan ye kawan-kawan.i spent the night playing chef. :))

benda lain aku tak pandang.aku pandang kambing je.KAMBING.

 my childhood/best friend since i was 7.we've been friends for fifteen long years !

 jemput makan.

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