Tuesday, August 16, 2011


13th August 2011.
the day i turned twenty two (arrgghh I AM OLD!).
i expected nothing from anyone.
but i got more than i bargained for.
THANK YOU for all the birthday wishes.
i can't express how much i appreciate it !
so what did i do on my birthday ?
at around 11am,i traveled to Penang.
why ?
to visit Pak Long.
the last time i saw Pak Long i can't remember when exactly,
but it was last year.
that was when he was first diagnosed with intestine cancer
and had just undergone surgery to remove the cancerous part of his intestines.
all the while,
 i've known my uncle (mummy's elder brother) as this healthy,joyful person.
always crackin jokes and telling stories,
at times he would put on this serious manner 
and we'd all be like "okay takut.hehe."
but yeah he's my uncle yang agak rapat.
even though i seldom meet him,i love him all the same.
when i arrived and laid my eyes on him,
i felt like i was meeting a stranger.
there was Pak Long.
but physically he just wasn't Pak Long.
kurus sangat.
he couldn't do anything except lie down.
he couldn't eat or speak.
all he could do was moan.
in my head,he's always this healthy and strong man.
so it broke my heart seeing him.
my heart ached so bad.
hancur gila hati tengok Pak Long.
cancer took his physique away.
we stayed at Pak Long's house for a few hours.
there,i got to meet all my relatives from mummy's Kelantan side.
the ones that i've met and never met before.
when it was time to go home,
i kissed Pak Long's forehead,shook his hands and told him Pak Long Nini nak balik dah ni.
i knew he could hear me.
i knew he wouldn't reply.
i just wanted him to know i was there.
who knew that was the last time i would get to see and hold him ?
all in all i can say that it was my worst birthday so far.

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