Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ranea :)

dulu saya ada 9 buah hati.
as of 14th august 2010,
 saya ada sepuluh buah hati.
Ranea is the tenth.
i pray so that all my buah hati 
grow up to be successful,religious people who are close to Allah SWT and their families
dan disenangi semua orang.

hello ! my name is Ranea.nice to meet you. :D

saya kuat tidur macam mummy saya.hehe.
getting all cozy in tok wan's arms.


eya said...

comel nyeeeee......
congratz to kak nina
and you too
dak boleh panggil mak cik nini since u ade 10 buah hati hehehe

Unknown said...

okay kena tunggu 20 tahun lagi ni. haha

Ilazarinia said...

@kak syahirah heheh.thanks kak syahirah ! i feel so old ! X)

@dudu hehe.ur time will come dudu ! i can't wait too ! :D

Y a T C i E said...

comeeeeeeeeeeeeel nye dia. putih gila! hehe

Ilazarinia said...

@yat hihih.tu sbb lighting tu. *nada jeles*