Sunday, January 8, 2012


yeah i've made MANY mistakes.i've said things that i regret later on.but that doesn't stop me from apologizing and trying to make things right.holding on tight to what mom said.selagi boleh buat baik dengan orang, buat lah walaupun orang tu tak layan kita setimpal dengan apa yang kita bagi.mungkin kita yang don't be ashamed to admit your mistakes and never stop trying to make things's about giving and never about's not about being weak and letting people stomp all over's about being forgiving and letting the heart be free from matter how bad or good a person treats us, in the end it's between him and Allah swt.Allah swt itu Maha Adil.tersangat adil. :)

this is the reason why when i'm being blocked by a person on their phones or social network,i still text them to tell things so that kalau aku mati,tanggungjawab aku dalam bab-bab ni dah least i texted them,explained things and apologized.i did my part in trying to mend things.mereka tak baca,itu mereka punya pasal.if they don't read them,it's out of my control.and aku tak nak mati dalam keadaan tak mintak maaf/berhutang dengan orang.berat sangat beban tu untuk aku pikul.

roger and out.hungry.

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