Sunday, January 15, 2012


Masjidil Haram, July 2011

 “Wahai orang beriman! Hendaklah kamu semua sentiasa menjadi orang yang menegakkan keadilan kerana Allah, lagi menerangkan kebenaran dan jangan sekali-kali kebencian kamu terhadap sesuatu kaum itu mendorong kamu kepada tidak melakukan keadilan. Hendaklah kamu berlaku adil (kepada sesiapa juga) kerana sikap adil itu lebih hampir kepada takwa. Dan bertakwa kepada Allah, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui dengan mendalam akan apa yang kamu lakukan.” 
(Surah Al-Maidah, ayat 8)

listened to Dato Seri Nizar Jamaluddin's talk yesterday.he mentioned the above ayat taken from the made me think of mom.i think i've written in this blog countless times that i love my mommy very much.i'm sure you all have different reasons why you look up to your's why i look up to mine.mommy looks for the best in people and doesn't judge a person based on the things she hears or how a person looks.unlike some people.dengar cerita dari mulut orang tanpa mengenal orang tu dengan lebih mendalam, terus buat penilaian.tengok rupa, terus buat penilaian.sorry to say, but aku dah pernah terkena benda ni dengan mak seseorang masa sekolah dulu.mummy belajar setakat SPM je.but her manners towards treating other people? flawless.kalah orang ada degree.even when someone makes her uncomfortable, she doesn't make it a reason to treat the person like crap.mum always tells me, even when someone dislikes you or treats you indifferently or makes you uncomfortable in any way, never retaliate and treat them back the same way.i used to wonder why she keeps telling me i know why.refer to the ayat above.

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