Wednesday, June 30, 2010


one thing people don't notice about me is if i see something i don't like,i get super defensive.right now,im feeling NOTHING but brain is working like a machine.ready to lash out at anybody in my way.ready to say and do things to hurt other people.i hate feeling this way.brings me nothing but affects my relationship with people around me.AND it shows that i'm easily controlled by my im thinking using my ass instead of my brain.whenever this happens,i feel the need to stay away from people.ya know.sebelum aku start kuarkan ayat2 kurang hajar.need to chillax for a bit.thanks for the call yana.i needed that.

im never stoked when it comes to heading back to Bangi.i hate leaving mum and dad here.

new word added to my vocabulary.all thanks to andy sixx.STOKED.

roger and out.want to spend as much time as possible with mummy.tonight,i dont care if i have to watch sappy korean long as its with mom.

note : suddenly remembered.there was this one day i talked to yana.she told me this : "ego kau macam ego lelaki.." shit.really?that's bad then.

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