beside her is her brother Muhammad Syukri.he's 8 and adores everything that has to do with Ultraman,Ben 10,Power Rangers etc etc etc you name it ! this nephew of mine is super attached to my sister, Nina since he was a baby.even now, he sleeps with my sister whenever he gets the chance.i miss u abang ngah.

then along comes Syazwina Afifah.she's 2 now.at home we call her wina.this is my niece with the hardest name to pronounce (at least for my mum.she keeps calling her Syazrina).she loves attention given by specifically men.we dunno why.she loves to giggle.and loves looking at cats.she's in the process of learning how to pronounce my name.hehe.i miss u wina.
Kamilia's younger brother, Syamil Imran.Syamil is 5 this year.this little dude is a bundle of energy ! the only time he sits still is when he's asleep.he asks many many many questions (and sometimes i cant even answer em).hehe.he's very sweet and knows what to say to make people feel better (for example,tokwan cantik la pakai baju ni.hehe.).out of all my nephews,syamil is the funniest.hahahah.i miss u adik.

on to Amirah Atiqah who is 7 this year.if u look closely,her hair is brunette and STICK STRAIGHT.i love her hair.so soft.my dad said she would grow up to be a pretty lady.hihih.atiqah is very down to earth BUT she loves staying in hotels.she also likes singing.hehe.she also follows my habit whenever i sleep in bed : SANGAT BUAS macam binatang buas.like sofiyyah,she's sensitive too.i miss u atiqah.
the last and most recent one is Amir Saifullah who turned a year old last january.as soon as he was born,i thought he,among all my nephews,had the most mature face of all.he somehow seems un-baby-like.he loves screaming at the top of his lungs.hehe.he laughs whenever my sis-in-law gets angry at him. =)) he also look alot like my sister in law.he's only 1.but he loves disturbing his sister and pulling her hair.i miss u saif.
roger and out.tempe memanggil.hahahahahaha.
angkatan tentera aku bakal masuk 7!
dah besa dah anak sdare ko.
dulu tgk sakinah ngan kamilia tu kecik je.
time flies fast kan.
hehehe.army ko dh leh lawan aku ! yay ! tu la.dulu ko jumpa time dorg baby lg kan?time sure flies fast.hehe.
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