Monday, June 27, 2011


there are only so few things in life that you can tolerate for a certain length of time and then eventually you would get fucked up when the same thing happens over and over again.i used to think i would be able to tolerate these things at least for a little while longer but being around a different crowd made me sit back and think why would i have to tolerate this immature jackassery that's been messing with my mind and heart when there are so many other things i should be doing with my life ? it wouldn't be a issue if it didn't cost me any problems.but lately it has been starting to be a pain in the ass.and it's just one time too many.back then i would just let people walk all over me and swallow whatever shit filled cupcake they feed me.i was so far from walking away.i didn't have this kind of courage before, to actually stand my ground, speak my mind and walk that i do,i hope it brings out all the best things for myself and for the people involved.maybe our paths aren't meant to cross anymore.when something in life gives you more pain than ease,you just gotta find the courage to let go.i have faith that Allah s.w.t has something way better up in store for me in the future.still a long journey.i want to sit back and enjoy the ride.


eya said...


Ilazarinia said...

double sigh !

Ilazarinia said...
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