things that kill a relationship number 1:
kuat meradang - semua benda nak meradang.dari benda yang besar sampai la sekecil zarah.terjatuh syiling pun nak meradang.kerja asyik nak meraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadang aje.tak reti cakap elok-elok ke ? letihhhhh.
things that kill a relationship number 2:
kuat merajuk - on girls,it can still be accepted.but on guys,it is a BIG no no.merajuk is supposed to be a girl's thing.not guys.but girls,don't abuse this lets just call it "advantage".sikit-sikit dah la.kalau semua benda pun nak merajuk payah jugak.laki pun sama.again i repeat on guys,merajuk is a BIG BIG BIG no no.huduh benar kalau laki merajuk lebih dari pompuan.aren't guys supposed to be leaders ?
things that kill a relationship number 3:
kuat jeles - i admit i'm one of those people with this problem so it's kind of a reminder to myself.the answer to this problem : instead of asking your partner to throw away his/her friends plainly because you're "jealous",try learning to trust wouldn't be fair to your partner especially if your partner has been hanging out with his/her friends long before he/she met makes it more weird if you ask your partner to throw his/her classmates away.awkward gila kot nak buat kerja and study sama-sama (unless you and your partner are calssmates).memang kera sumbang habis.if you're partner really really REALLY loves you,he/her wouldn't have chicks/hunks in his/her brain all day long like you probably presume.seriously,awek/pakwe korang banyak lg kerja lain dr duk menggatal dgn orang doploh pat jam. (kalau dia betul-betul sayang korang la)
things that kill a relationship number 4:
third person - NEVER EVER get involved with a person who is already attached or has recently broken up with his/her partner.kalau orang yang korang suka tu dah ada girlfriend/boyfriend,forget about making a move.JANGAN runtuhkan rumah tangga orang.jangan keji sangat la.and if the person you like has just broken up with someone,don't rush things with him/her.they may no longer seem attached but emotionally they may still be.rambut sama hitam,hati lain-lain bry.yang dah ada girlfriend/boyfriend tu pun,sila duduk diam-diam.yang duk ada tu pun dah kira bagus dah.sila belajar bersyukur.seriously,have a bit of a heart.benda ni sangat menyakitkan semua don't ever think of pulling this trick.
things that kill a relationship number 5:
ego - ni pun masalah besar jugak.again,a reminder to myself.whenever you guys fight,tak payah ego sangat nak masam muka lama-lama.if donald trump gives you a gazillion dollars for who fights the longest and who punches whose face the hardest,then it would be so worth it.if not,no need.people should learn to accept their partner's and their own flaws instead of focusing too much on it and making a big deal out of it.
things that kill a relationship number 6:
kaki pukul - fists are NOT the solution to relationship problems.and guys who think otherwise and think its okay to hit girls are complete jerks.cuba kalau mak or adik korang kena pukul.suka ? ha meh sini saya panggil along pukul mak korang.tengok korang sengih ke nangis ? pompuan kalau melampau macam mana pun perangai dia,there will always be this soft spot in her heart that'll tell her to give you don't have to resort to hitting.pompuan pun sama.pompuan kan kena lemah lembut.a tip from my mom : never marry guys who hit girls.baru girlfriend boyfriend dah pukul.cuba dah kahwin ? kena bunuh agaknya.
things that kill a relationship number 7:
mengongkong - bukan ngangkung ye.jealousy often leads to this.if you agreed to be in a relationship with a person,for sure you trust them enough right ? so there's no reason for you to do this to your partner.even if you don't like something your partner does,make room to communicate and talk instead of resorting to the "ahhh aku bencila kau" and ignoring your partner solution.bincang elok-elok kan bagus ? takyah gaduh-gaduh.and the little things shouldn't be a problem.memang la kadang-kadang kita tak suka apa partner kita buat.but kalau terpaksa nak buat macam mana ? kalau esok exam,malam ni dah tentu kena study bagi habis kalau lambat macam mana pun.
things that kill a relationship number 8:
tipu - DON'T ever lie to your as honest as possible.kalau kantoi kang memang malu habis la.mana nak taruk muka ? this is almost as bad as cheating on your partner with another person.kalau nak jaga hati pun,pick the right words but don't just straight out and lie.its bad for the,orang yang kurang jujur tak akan diberkati.
i'm talking as if i'm some kind of pro in love.frankly,i'm not.i'm the lousiest person on earth when it comes to maintaining a boyfriend suffers from my lack of knowledge in this.sorry babe.let this be a reminder to us all.
roger and out.
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