Sunday, November 14, 2010

better run run run run run.

there will be certain times in life where u just feel like running far far away,to a place where u can just be alone for a while.this happens mostly when u feel like the world is letting u down.when u feel like u just don't belong.when u got no one to talk to.when people are giving u the attitude.when u get accused of things that u didn't short terms,u run away when u just need a fuckin cigarette break.penat la.macam mana nak mengadu kat orang kalau orang berkenaan pun ada angin dia sendiri ? twitter ? facebook ? definitely not an option.bila masa tah aku mengadu masalah dunia aku kat situ.kalau macam ni la gaya,baik simpan sorang.


Intan Asmira said...

hah selalu rasa macam nak lariiiiiiiiii jauh :/

Ilazarinia said...

jom ladd.lari. =)