when people say sugar is sweet,think again.freedom is actually sweeter ! the feel of the weigh of a tonne of bricks being removed from your shoulders.ahh no words can describe that.u cry out a sigh of relief and skip all the way home thinking yipeee malam ni nak makan banyak-banyak pastu tengok movie kat laptop pastu tidur.what a feeling.if there were freedom cookies,i would eat em no doubt.too bad willy wonka does not deal with freedom cookies.
my kind of freedom involves two short weeks of holiday (in my world,two weeks is equivalent to two minutes.exaggerate much?bahaha.).my much anticipated raya break (which supposedly is only for one week but has been extended illegally by the likes of me up to two weeks) is now clattered and polluted with piles and piles of assignments.i have two take home quizzes,one individual assignment and two subjects to study for because apparently as soon as my break ends,i have two tests to sit for.doesn't sound much like a raya holiday right ? to add insult to injury,the microprocessor assignment i've been assigned to work on involves complex whateverness (programming) that needs to be done on a certain whateverness (MPLab).i am left staggered and alone,trying to console myself by thinking xpe raya ni aku makan banyak2 sampai naik pat puloh kilo ! geram punya pasal !
imma rest tonight and the whole day tomorrow.will be driving two little kiddos and one seasick lady home for raya on sunday.
roger and out.rock and roll mitches !
note : i made new friends.these people rock.the one taking the photo included.
i rock the most. hohoho
yes wan.certified true.hahaha.
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