Saturday, November 19, 2011


yes.i look like a complete idiot.hahahah.

what up ? how's life ? mine's pretty okay.nothing epic.busy as ever.the yoosh.haha.but life has indeed been improving ever since my last post.that has got me jumping like in the photo above.hehe.praises to the Almighty. :)

let's play psychic for a bit here.where do i see myself a year from now ? let's is the 19th of november 2011.a year from now would be 19th of november would be monday.on that particular day,i see myself  waking up,getting ready for work.i see myself smiling as i wake up because i love my would be a month past my convocation ceremony and i would've said goodbye to my college friends by then.i see myself making new memories and new friends while keeping my old memories and the ones i love close by.and a steady relationship perhaps ? hmmm.

this is what i see.i hope to graduate in time and get a job as soon as possible.insyaAllah kalau ada rezeki.but what Allah s.w.t has in store for me is a different story.whatever it is,i know He has set the best path for me to walk on.i hope it'll benefit me in the best ways possible.amin.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Eidul Adha.

Eidul Adha is around the corner ! apparently everyone is not in the mood to celebrate due to Malaysian muslims don't celebrate Eidul Adha as festively as they celebrate Eidul Fitr.i am however very much in the mood.i'll be towing books around the house (blame the upcoming tests) but it won't stop me from joining in the festivities ! i want to eat rendang and lemang.i want to chill, get a little bit of family time going.i want to forgive and ask forgiveness.i want to reflect on the meaning of sacrifice.above all,i REALLY REALLY REALLY want to celebrate Eidul Adha in would be so nice if i was given the chance to go there and celebrate.bestnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.bestnya bestnya bestnya bestnya bestnya.may each and every one of us be blessed by Allah s.w.t to go there.amin.

anyway,Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha fellow friends.have fun ! stay safe ! play with fireworks but keep your fingers intact ! haha.maafkan salah silap saya.saya maafkan salah anda semua (kalau ada tapi rasanya takde kot).at least if i die,i'd die with some closure. :)